Friday, 12 June 2009

Cooking recipe: fried eggs!

The other day I had a friend around and I was cooking us dinner. All of a sudden she looked puzzled and asked: "why are you doing it like this?" I realized that, as with most things, I cook in a completely different way compared to the rest of the world! So let me share it with you and see what you think.

My cooking style is based in patience! Yes: patience. Basically it takes me about ten minutes to fry an egg!

The normal approach is to have the oil pretty hot, dump the egg in the pan ... and unleash hell with boiling oil splashing all around ... the egg white burnt on the outside but raw on the middle ... and you with third degree burns, stressed out and an anxiety crisis.

Me, on the other hand, I have the hob at the lowest possible mark. The oil is not that hot, you dump the egg ... nothing happens at first. You have all the time in the world to fetch the salt and add any extra seasoning or toppings. And just leave it in there ... patience ... no need to stir, no need to splash the top of the egg with boiling oil, no need to do anything. Just wait! You will see that the egg white starts cooking slowly from underneath until it is all perfectly and homogeneously cooked. The yolk is still going to be raw: the perfect fried egg (if you leave if for too long the worst that can happen is that the yolk is going to cook as well) And no hot oil splashing anywhere.
Voilà: done!

Note that I said you have time to add "extra toppings" apart from salt. From time to time I do what people call "pizza fried eggs". Basically you do like in a pizza and add bacon, cheese, oregano, peperoni, ... whatever you want to the egg white, just after putting the egg into the pan. The ingredients are going to cook slowly and get fused with the egg white. Yummy, yummy! :-)

So, when you have friends around: do you prefer to spend a couple of minutes worrying, burning yourself, making a mess of the kitchen? Or do you prefer spending ten minutes drinking beer and chatting with them? ... I always go for the beer option! :-D

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