Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Brazilian phone etiquette

It is a fact that each country has its own particular way of answering the phone and you are meant to take it just like yet another cultural difference ... but the Brazilian way is ... well, it can be a bit annoying!

Now imagine the following real situation:
You are happily slept doing your siesta, one of the most sacred moments of the day for a Spanish person, and all of a sudden there is an annoying ringing noise that wakes you up! :-(

[me thinking]

Ok, what the hell is that freakin' noise?!? Ah, the freakin' phone! ... Who is it going to be? ... Oh! ... having in mind that in Europe is evening probably one of my friends! :-)

Half slept I struggle to quickly get the phone without killing myself in the process.


- Alô (note the perfect Brazilian accent!)

[unknown brazilian person]

- Who am I talking to?

[me thinking]

What the f**k?!? ... You are the one calling: tell me if I am wrong but the person making the phone call should know who they are calling to? ... no?

[unknown brazilian person]

- Who am I talking to?

[me thinking]

Why do you want to know my name? Were you feeling bored and you said: I feel like talking to someone called John today. Let's call all numbers at random asking for the person's name until I find one!

[unknown brazilian person]

- Who am I talking to?

[me thinking]

For God's sake, at least tell me who you are and who you are looking for!!!!

[unknown brazilian person]

- Who am I talking to?

[me thinking]

I cannot take it any more!


- I am Ivan, Ivan Reyné.

[unknown brazilian person]

- Oh, what a shame, sorry. CLINGS

[me thinking]

Have you hang up on me already?!? ...



[me thinking]

... Yes, you have! ... BASTARD! And without telling who you were looking for or even your name!
Wasn't my name good enough for a bit of a chat? Wasn't my voice nice enough for a bit of a conversation?
... I need to know your freakin' name for the traditional Spanish curse ritual for waking me up of the siesta for nothing!! Aaaaaaaaargh!!

1 comment:

bruixeta said...

Aqui va diferent
Et truquen, despenges, i dius
Ningú respon.
-Digui? (tornes a preguntar)
I et pengen.
I no son capaços ni de dir "Sorry"
I si tens un telefon d'aquests que pots veure el número que ha trucat et venen ganes de tornar la trucada i fer el mateix. Però aleshores potser es dispararia la factura del telèfon.