People! Yes, I know I have kept quiet for a while ... a couple of weeks I believe. As my last post was about the "party lag" most of you may think I haven't been updating the blog because I was going out day and night with friends ... you are wrong (... mostly ...): I was finishing the test of my first game!
This is a event based card game with the goal of staying single until you are thirty. The game starts when you are twenty being single. Every turn represents half a year of your life and you have to play and event card. Depending on the outcome of the card you get points on four different "attributes" and when one of them reaches 100% you "level up" to the next stage in your relationship. You go from being "single" to "best friends", then to "dating", then "engaged" and finally you get "married" ... the closer you are to the marriage the less points you get added to your total score! :-P
It is available on Facebook: Ditch'em all on Facebook
And also standalone outside: Ditch'em all standalone
Feel free to try it and tell me what do you think ... specially if its is good ... if it is bad I'll simply ignore your opinion! :-P
I have to thank Jenny, a chocolate fondue and a bottle (or maybe two) of champagne as source of inspiration for the game!
Of course, all the events are based on real life experiences ... say no more! :-D
You did it! Congrats!!! I wanna play! But not this second, because although I'm now 35 and "I-have-the-most-points-single," I also have a bleeping ressaca. Bah Tche!
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