Wednesday, 27 May 2009

What am I up to?

Good question! I started thinking about the different choices available and there was only one option: to start drinking beer professionally or to get depressed … two options: to start drinking beer professionally , to get depressed or to buy a weapon and then going into a killing spree … three options: to start drinking beer professionally, to get depressed, to buy a weapon and then going into a killing spree or to put all my energies into starting my own little thing developing web based games and stuff … five options … anyway! I went for this last option … even though I was pretty tempted by some of the other ones … choices, choices … :-P

And I have started already: you can see that I am a bit more active with the blog and I also started a web site thingy in with a bit of a software development experiences blog but that I am also going to use as the place where the games themselves are going to go. Finally let me give you a quick glimpse of what the first game thingy is going to look like:

It is going to be a space exploration themed game, as you can see. This is a pre-alpha screen shoot with temporary graphics and I still haven't optimize it for mobile browsers. So the appearance is likely to change a bit/lot. Also, it is still going to take a couple of months (finger in the air) before I have a version I am happy with … this is just a "prototype" and if one thing I have learned all these years in software development is to never ever rush the deliveries and to never ever send software not properly tested out of the door!

So, be patient … I am! :-)

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