… was the martial arts coordinator in the "Never say never again" James Bond film and broke Sean Connery’s wrist while showing him how to perform a martial arts move?
Note that is says Steven Seagal was showing/teaching him how to do it, not that Steven Seagal was actually doing the move on him. So, my theory is that Steven Seagal is so strong that normal people cannot try perform his moves without breaking their bones. I truly believe that by trying to walk like Steven Seagal you would break your legs in three different places! :-D
Impressing! hahaha...
But this is a fake for sure...if it was true Sean Connery would already be dead!!
Note that is says Steven Seagal was showing/teaching him how to do it, not that Steven Seagal was actually doing the move on him.
So, my theory is that Steven Seagal is so strong that normal people cannot try perform his moves without breaking their bones. I truly believe that by trying to walk like Steven Seagal you would break your legs in three different places! :-D
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