Sunday, 31 May 2009


24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
Steven Wright

Friday, 29 May 2009

Did you know Steven Seagal ...

… was the martial arts coordinator in the "Never say never again" James Bond film and broke Sean Connery’s wrist while showing him how to perform a martial arts move?

James Bond is a sissy!

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

What am I up to?

Good question! I started thinking about the different choices available and there was only one option: to start drinking beer professionally or to get depressed … two options: to start drinking beer professionally , to get depressed or to buy a weapon and then going into a killing spree … three options: to start drinking beer professionally, to get depressed, to buy a weapon and then going into a killing spree or to put all my energies into starting my own little thing developing web based games and stuff … five options … anyway! I went for this last option … even though I was pretty tempted by some of the other ones … choices, choices … :-P

And I have started already: you can see that I am a bit more active with the blog and I also started a web site thingy in with a bit of a software development experiences blog but that I am also going to use as the place where the games themselves are going to go. Finally let me give you a quick glimpse of what the first game thingy is going to look like:

It is going to be a space exploration themed game, as you can see. This is a pre-alpha screen shoot with temporary graphics and I still haven't optimize it for mobile browsers. So the appearance is likely to change a bit/lot. Also, it is still going to take a couple of months (finger in the air) before I have a version I am happy with … this is just a "prototype" and if one thing I have learned all these years in software development is to never ever rush the deliveries and to never ever send software not properly tested out of the door!

So, be patient … I am! :-)

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

What happened during this five months?

Quite a few things … and nothing!

As you know I sold every single thing I had in the UK, put the rest of my belongings on a single suitcase and moved to Brazil for this nice job with high hopes and expectation. Well … it didn't really work that well … I found myself in the middle of a mix of economic crisis, company without clear goals, desperation, people with secret agendas and people giving up. So, the high hopes broke and the expectation turned into disbelieve … and I though: "Ups!" :-)
Thanks God (not literally though) mentally I am stronger than Yoda so I put myself together and waited patiently until it was the right time to leave. And that is what I have been up to this time: waiting, doing my numbers, looking at the options … unfortunately I wasn't really on the mood to update the blog that much! :-D

So, recommendation number one: don't ever sell all your things and move to a different continent!
Recommendation number two: think before you act, even if it means delaying the acting and having to put up with thinks you don't like for a while. :-(
Recommendation number three: don't spend a single second more than necessary not being happy! :-)

Monday, 25 May 2009

I am back!

I know I haven't written anything for five months, sorry! As some of you know and the others can imagine they haven't really been the best five months of my life … but I am back!

First thing is that I am going to change a bit the focus of this blog thingy and make it a bit more general, so, not only about Porto Alegre but about my life in general. Yes, quite a lot of people have told me already I should write a book about my life … well: I work/worked with computers so I'll write a blog instead :-P

You know me, you know my style, … it's going to be worth following! :-D