Quite a lot of people have been asking me what is the difference between Brazil and the UK and I didn't really know what to say ... well, I finally have the answer: the difference is 39!
Unlike Douglas Adams' calculation of the "Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything" (42, btw) I am going to tell you the logic reasoning behind that conclusion! (because I am an engineer and we don't do things at random like writers!)
I haven't been sunbathing or anything but as you can see in the picture by just by walking around the streets I had some of my natural skin colour back. So, if you take this black and white picture, you pick the colour from my neck (Brazil) and subtract the colour from my back (UK) the difference is about 39 (in absolute value and in a 0 to 255 scale, of course! :-P)
Voilà: yet another mystery solved! :-D
D'això al nostre país se'n diu "moreno paleta"
Hola Ivan!! Com es nota que ets estranger. Aquestes diferències de color tan brusques acostuma a passar als estrangers que venen de vacançes a Espanya. Per cert, com ha anat això del Nadal calorós? Des de Terrassa t´enviem un petó.
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